
As we roll down this unfamiliar road


07-12-2013, 03:08 PM

It had all come down to this. Their last month together had narrowed down to this single moment in time. From their first meeting at the willows, where he'd recued her, to all their meetings after that. All the moments spent together, all the words exchanged, now it was time to bring them all to the table. Meili was finally going to join Valhalla. The young Adravendi was bringing in a new pack member to join the family, to become part of his family. Was he nervous? Of course he was. No one in his family even knew that he'd made a new friend, much less that it was such a pretty woman like Mei. He was nervous about how they would react. Would they jump to conclusions? Most likely. It was hard not to when a young man was bringing in a woman to join the pack. But he wasn't too worried. His family was pretty accepting of others and they would be the same with Mei.

They had trekked the day all the way from wolfpaw lake back to his home. It hadn't taken them very long, just a few hours, and they were here now, standing at the Valhallan border, his little woman glancing up at him to ask what they were to do now. Now, we call my aunt to come meet you. A mischevious smile curled his inky lips, knowing that just presenting Chrysanthe as his aunt instead of the alpha would make her even more nervous. But that was all part of the plan. They would love her, he knew it already. Silvery crown was tossed back, a summoning howl bursting into the atmosphere as the yearling called out to his aunt and alpha, requesting her presence at the borders in order to properly welcome Meili into Valhalla. He would've allowed her to join himself, but since he didn't hold a high rank, it was up to his aunt. After a moment he let the call die, dropping his head back to its normal position, shoulder bumping the teal eyed woman's. Don't worry, they're going to love you.

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