
Thanksgiving Bounty



2 Years
Extra large
01-30-2019, 12:53 AM
One moment things were relatively peaceful. She was as content as she was able to be without stirring up trouble or investigating far away lands. All was well. Then, quite suddenly, the peace was shattered as Rhyme whirled around before he could move the deer within her reach. A loud crack of a dry branch snapping hit her ears right before she turned and saw the massive creature that was hurtling towards them. Rhyme only just managed to dodge out of the way of it's first attack. "Holy shit."

After standing there with her eyes wide and mouth agape for a moment, Cael would shake off the instinctual fear that the bear's overwhelming musky scent brought on, looking for a way to help the alpha out. Deciding to just go for broke, she saw its eyes were solely on Rhyme and in an instant she'd sprung onto it's back and was trying to sink her fangs into it's fatty, thick hide. She did her best to try and bite down over it's spine where there was slightly less flesh beneath the hide, landing several bites and shaking her head violently each time she got a hold. The bear was understandably pissed, and reared up onto it's hind feet, forcing Cael to jump onto the ground.

Not one to be intimidated even when she really should be, she shot forward and began trying to tear at the bear's right hind leg. Coppery blood filled her mouth as she sawed at the limb with her sharp teeth and tried to damage a tendon before the enraged beast could turn and retaliate.
[Image: TSMb2UQ.png?1]
Cael has facial scars not seen in all of her art yet!