
sparkling cinnamon



4 Years
01-30-2019, 12:35 PM

Round 1/4 - Collecting Herb

Delicate paws hit the chilled earth with ease as the delightful babe slithered her way through the orchard. Once blossoming with fruit and berries the trees above were mostly barren. The cold weather ripped away most of the flora as well as scavengers foraging for anything they could. Clementine was on a mission to study the area and perhaps find a herb to collect. In her determined mind she would not leave without something of use. The femme was known for being a driven Wolf with the need to constantly better herself. With Branch doing pack relations as of late it was vital that their herb stores were plentiful. Perhaps they could be a good trade post for herbs one day due to their pristine location. Clem thought over the possibilities to come but for now she would try to focus on the land ahead.

The obsidian fae slowed her steps as she came upon a clearing. Her jaws fell open in order to allow the various scents to hit her pink tongue. Clem tasted stale scents of smaller prey and mostly just that off the common wilds around her. A silver gaze scanned the area before flicking downward. Thankfully it hadn't snowed the night before and the ground was barren. Grass was sparse but it dared to grow despite the winter weather. Due to being in the south they weren't effected nearly as much by the winter but it was still rather chilly. Slowly the woman began walking with her head pointed downward and occasionally pawing through the dirt in order to find any hidden herbs that have lasted the season. Though, despite being focused downward she was sure to remain alert of her surroundings with erect ears and a studious nose.

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[Image: clem_siggy.png]