


01-30-2019, 03:53 PM

Tyranis seemed incredibly interested in him as Legion rose to action, his muscles twitching beneath the dark black of his shoulders as he thought of the glory of battle. Legion started to calm, captivated by the way Tyranis' gaze flickered over him in appreciation. Legion's teeth couldn't help but flash in a bit of a smile, as the recognition staked right through his own heart. He never really felt an attachment toward Elias, perhaps because the Apollyon was so wrapped up in his own world.. but the way Tyranis was looking at him right now gave Legion a feeling he'd never felt before.

A sense of fellowship, a sense of respect, and a desire to actually follow and impress this man.

He had followed Tyranis before in the past, but Legion was much less concerned with pack life back then and not quite ready to be a part of something great. Now, he couldn't say he had too many attachments in this world to anything.. but he was ready to start being a part of something. He was at that age, where maturity set in and the strive for success was festering.

He grinned as Tyranis' revealed the name of their flag and his thick jaw lifted up in the sense of the same pride.

"Erovrare!" Bulky brute's weight was lifted only for a moment as his heavy paws then slammed back down onto the ground ahead of him in exclamation. A glorious chuckle ran through the brute's incredible baritones, and he simply held the same grin.

"A strong name, Acere will do well to remember it." A flashing memory of the white wolf's image flashed through his mind. He remembered him from both of their previous packs, but his uncle only ever presented himself in a quiet.. brooding.. manner. His gaze had always been scrutinizing, though it was hard to get through the thick skin of Legion and offend him.. that sort of 'greater than thou' behavior was something that always annoyed him. Uncle or not, he was an enemy now.. and Legion had no qualms over taking the giant down. A shiver of excitement caused him to began shaking his hide, tail thrashing as he aired his pelt and finished riding out the feeling. He laughed again.

"I hope the rest of your army is as ready as I am, brother. This will be fun. Sparring, training, restless nights.. aaahh! Take me to them! Let's begin!" He wasn't sure what plans Tyranis had in mind for him, where he wanted to place him quite yet, but he knew it would be suited for battle and that thrilled him. He was ready to get started, ready to push his body to the limits of what it was capable of. He only prayed the women of Erovrare were ready for him, too.