
Okay, I’m Sick



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

01-30-2019, 03:54 PM

He stopped dead in his tracks once his paws touched the rocky terrain that surrounded the volcano. Like a moth to a flame or metal to a magnet, Casso was drawn back to this place now that he had officially trashed the mission he had given himself. Looking up the stone covered hillside made his skin crawl and his heart race. Somehow the air here felt thick and heavy - too heavy to breathe. The idea of facing his father and having to explain where he had been and the failure he was... That pain dug into his soul.

I don’t know why you’re surprised... What did you expect? Of course you failed.

The lacerations around his face had barely begun to scar and were really not much more than glorified scabs. The wounds that tore across his foreleg still seeped blood from time to time as he walked, but he paid it no mind. The constant, dull ache and sting that the bite marks gave him offered a strange sort of clarity that was almost soothing. He pressed his forepaw do the ground harder, stirring up that pain and pushing the voice in the back of his mind back to a place of darkess and silence.

Casso glanced down at the wounds that were struggling to heal on their own without the assistance of his mother’s healing skills and had a hard time looking away. The muddled memories of Daelos’ open jaws lunging toward him, the feeling of his teeth sinking into flesh, blood painting the walls of the den he had awoken in... A chill crept up his spine as he looked away and turned his mismatched gaze back up the mountain.

It wasn’t until then that he realized the scent markers for his father’s pack were non existent. His expressionless mask broke for a moment as his brows lifted with surprise - only to immediately fall again. Of course it was gone. For a moment his entire mission and purpose was gone. For most of the last year he had focused on training and getting stronger while he tried to find his mother. When that mission crashed and burned in the most horrific way he could imagine his only thought was to return here. And now...

A faint hint of a scent caught his attention and he turned to follow it without a second thought. He tracked the scent carefully while he tried to full who it belonged to out of his tangled memories. His uncle. Acere. So they weren’t all gone it seemed... at least not entirely. He followed the scent until the stronger scents of a pack downed them out. His eyes lifted from the ground and he scanned the snowy landscape that surrounded the icy banks of a river. He couldn’t quite remember the name of the pack that lived here, but he did remember that one existed here from his childhood.

A flat scoff passed his lips as he settled down on his haunches. Could he even consider his first year of life a childhood? A short time of living with his family that he could barely remember before it all seemed to fall apart and he put it upon himself to set out into the wilderness to find her. He sat several feet back from where the scent markers seemed to start and watched the seemingly empty land ahead of him for any sign of life. He didn’t know what he was expecting to find...

While he waited for someone - anyone - to appear into view he started to systematically and coldly file away every memory from the last few days. He tried to convince himself that all of the wounds were from the same bear attack despite the fact that the still healing slashes across his chest were completely different from every other bloody mark on his body. He felt desensitized to it all in a way that he could only describe as numb.

"Speech" "Mind"