
Bet On Me

Tempest 1


3 Years
01-30-2019, 05:08 PM
(Did you ever)
Lose yourself to get what you want
(Did you ever)
Get on a ride and wanna get off
(Did you ever)
Push away the ones you should've held close
Did you ever let go?
Did you ever not know?

How long had it been since she visited Boreas, to briefly reunite with her ‘father’ only to leave once more? Family was supposed to mean everything… but she had fled from the man she was supposed to know and love. Because the fact of the matter was she didn’t know Elias. He wasn’t there for her and her siblings growing up. Hell, she hadn’t fully been there either… but her mother had been there best she could for the kids. That much Tempest remembered. But where had Elias been? From the time they were small they never knew of a father… so did she really want him in her life now?

It was a question that Tempest was seriously asking herself in her time away. Their meeting had been brief… maybe she should have given him a chance. Maybe she should have let him into her life. But first things first… she had to find the other Wreckages first. So when she made her decision to return to Boreas there was little doubt where her destination was. Wherever there were those of her kin… she would find them. She would find her rightful place, no matter how much she had to fight for it.

Tempest moved with purpose through the battlefield, a central ground for most of Boreas. Luckily, while she traversed the area, she found no signs of others this day. Perhaps it was by the grace of Gods she didn’t believe in… or just some random chance. That was more likely it.

Reaching the plateau on the other side of the battlefield the female breathed in slowly. The scent of blood lingered even here… a scent that Tempest had come to know well. The female flicked her ears back and canted her head to the side as golden eyes sought a sign from the living.

Some birds took wing overhead… but that was about it.

Tempest let out a huff. This was it? Her grand re-entrance into the lands and she was greeted by some fucking birds!?


But Tempest wasn’t going to give up. Not this time. This time things would be done right or she’d fail… she’d die trying. That thought terrified her… so there was really only one option.


Tempest took another breath and threw her head back before sending a powerful howl across the lands.

Let her kin know… she was here.

She was coming home.

(Did you ever)
Doubt your dream will ever come true
(Did you ever)
Blame the world, but never blame you
(I will never)
Try to live a lie again
I don't wanna win this game if I can't play it my way