
No Note, No Letter [Skaldi]


01-30-2019, 06:09 PM

Though Halvar had reunited with Kvasir since their arrival in these lands, he'd yet to run into Aesir quite yet. He was blissfully unaware of their plans to join Valkyrie's band but there was no questioning if he'd ultimately join his brothers or not yet - their bond was close enough that he rarely felt compelled to stray away from them for too long, and he'd definitely reached his limit on being on his own. Luckily enough for him he'd managed to grab hold of their scent trails - and was that Valkyrie herself he smelled, too? - and he'd busied himself with tracking them for quite awhile now.

His paws led him to the base of yet another mountain, and he huffed as he paused his trek. Their scents were stronger now, and he tipped his horned head to the sky and searched for them in the distance. He only saw the faintest hint of movement among the trees, and decided his curiosity was piqued. Grumbling something quietly to himself, the chimeric man quickened his pace, eager to join the two of them - and beyond pleased that he'd found them after all this searching. Despite their family's curse, they were terribly elusive when they wanted to be! It wasn't long before he rounded on them, noting Kvasir trailing behind Aesir, and he let out a loud bark to announce his arrival. "Are you two talking about me? I thought felt my ears burning," Hal quipped lightly when he was within earshot of them, offering a wide grin to them both.

"Talk" "You" Think