
love to romance 'em


07-12-2013, 04:10 PM


Now that she knew what the truth of their new home was, Ocena was beginning to wander outwards, something that she had never been particularly inclined to do before. Before, Gargoyle and her family had been enough to keep her in place, to keep her from wandering far. But fear of the volcano had Ocena wandering, her paws carrying her along as she wandered. There was surely a new litter growing in her body - even the memories of that night made her skin burn in a pleasant way, and if the whole place blew, well, Ocena was sure they'd be gone before then, but sometimes it made her skin prickle to be beneath the volcano.

The hot springs of which Gargoyle had spoken during their pack meeting seemed like a good enough place to relax. The sulfuric water's scent stung at her nose, but Ocena approached them anyways, placing one dainty paw in the smallest of the pools. It was rather hot, but nothing she couldn't handle. And the warmth made tension melt from her muscles and Ocena sighed as she padded a few steps inwards, letting the water come up to about midway up her legs. She was reluctant to risk any sort of damage to her possible litter by letting this water touch them. It was probably toxic, if it was heated by the volcano. Nothing good could come of something heated by the volcano. Nothing good could come something associated with the volcano.

All of a sudden, the hot springs didn't seem so nice anymore. Ocena retreated swiftly, leaving the pool and glaring at it with mismatched eyes. She reached out to lash out it at with one paw, but other than that, stood silently for a long moment, irritation flickering across her features. Well, what was she going to do now?

TAG: Shelby WORDS: three oh six NOTES: crappy starter sorry