



3 Years
Extra large
01-31-2019, 07:27 AM

These hogs were absolutely being a pain. Granted, Asharya felt content just roaming around, but then she'd gone and set her mind on it. Now, damn it all if she wasn't going to find herself a hog. How hard could it be? I mean, really? Yet there they were, rooting about and turning up squat. This was just about where she'd seen them last, but it seemed like they must have moved farther than she'd expected in the time between. Oh well, the joy ought to be in the hunt after all. She sighed and shook out her coat, trying to shake the frustration away as well. She turned and caught up to Cael in a few moments.

"No sign at all on the pool's far side. None for you either?" The look of frustration in her bi-colored told Asha all she needed to know. Well, how hard could a herd of swine really be to track down anyways. She was no star hunter, but that didn't mean she couldn't use her wits for something. "Want to follow the stream down? Bound to be a mudpit or two to draw their eye. At the least we might find some tracks." It was the best she could offer. To be quite honest, finding the boar had been a total excuse in the first place, but it sounded fun enough in theory. The practice was starting to lose its glimmer for her, but at least it meant Asha got to hang more around Cael.

She'd been wracking her brain over what to do about that too. Caelestis was a big old bag of feels that Asha didn't feel terribly compelled to upend. It wasn't every day she found another wolf as driven towards horizons as she was, and it wasn't a companionship she felt all too keen to disrupt. Why poke an anthill when she could flirt harmlessly in peace? That was her plan anyways, but sometimes, it was awfully hard to remember...

"Talk" "Listen" Think

Asharya is chaotic and occasionally hotheaded. Thread at your own risk!

Come Plot with Fox