
I'm just the homewrecker now



4 Years
Extra small
01-31-2019, 03:14 PM
She wish he had told her, she really did. At least then she didnt have to be the one who was just an interloper in his life and believed that he had loved her. Sad thing was had he asked she probably would have been okay with sharing. He didn't know that though. "You should have just told me Rhyme. I already knew I wasnt worth an alpha's time." she was quiet again. Deflated even. 

She loved Abaven but Rhyme was here, and she had to face him if she stayed. She had easily fell for him. "You were my fairytale, you know." her companions were with her on this. If she had to run from pain they supported it, just as long as she didnt go back to being the girl that rolled over for everyone. She'd always dreamed of the knight coming to save her and sweep her off her paws, and she thought it had been Rhyme. 

"No." she didnt want him to stay away. Nor did she want to actually leave she just didn't know what else to do. She turned back towards Abaven. He was desperate and she could hear it. "Be honest Rhyme, what did you want for us to do? For shaye to become your mate and me to fade away like a bad memory? Or did you just want us to somehow share you?" she knew he was exhausted every time he came into the den. She could tell he was stressed. "You can't be everywhere at once, and what happens when Shaye decides she doesn't like you coming around me? Because eventually your going to have to choose and I know where I sit. I'm disposable, nothing more than a nice distraction for you." by now her voice was shaking and her heart wrenched. She couldn't help the sobs as they came. 

He'd lead her around by her heart. And now he needed to figure out what he was going to do since his choice was already made. She could feel Noir stirring. She needed to make up her mind now. The former slave took a step towards Abaven only to stop again. Her indecisiveness was written on her face, she just didnt know what to ask of him. She couldn't ask him to leave shaye for her, or to give her his heart entirely. She couldn't take the choice from him and he knew that. She also didnt want to live with the pain of knowing he wanted her there but only because her children were there. She was a slave in her heart and he knew it too. "I'll stay, for now. But I want to know how you actually feel about me, and I want to know that if you do actually want me by your side too that you tell Shaye, so we can all work this out together."

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.