
I'm just the homewrecker now



4 Years
Extra small
01-31-2019, 03:16 PM
She sighed as he spoke of keeping her safe. He didn't get it. She was safe now that she knew freedom. Sure she was the kind to just roll over in a fight but now she could say that at least she knew freedom. That even if she did become a slave again that she wouldn't stop trying to escape or at least try to find a way to get help from someone who could help her. 

She nodded as he said he wanted to get her back to the den. Basil was still glaring at him, unbeknownst to her. Though she figured he wouldn't forgive him as easily as she did. She started a slow hobble towards her den then. She did leave a kiss on his shoulder as she passed him. All he had to do was talk to shaye now and see how she felt about the situation. Then he would have to come back and tell her. 

As she entered the den she could still smell Vail and the girls. Relief that she didnt already come to the conclusion and move them washed over her. She wriggled out of her cloak and her companions jumped from her back and moved from the den. She knew they were likely going to try to help imperia out in keeping the cold off her eggs. Tana wished imperia had built the nest in the den where her babies would be better guarded from the elements. She then reached in and grabbed a very clearly disgruntled Noir and returned him to the pile of babies an laid with her basically best friend. Vail was definitely the closest thing to a best friend she had.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.