
Did You Know?


01-31-2019, 11:02 PM

A chuckle bubbled from her lips at her nephew's reply. "Indeed," She thought about where to start. But after a few moments, ultimately decided to start from the beginning. She had been many places, come across many wolves, and she was just itching to get it out if only to see what he thought of the things she discovered. The news of the packs she came across. The interesting characters she met...particularly the male she seduced into giving her new lives soon enough. Ah, but the latter could wait. "Very well. I'll start with the first pack I came across, the one nearest to us on the other side of the bridge," She sat back for a moment as she remembered her little visit. "I don't know if you've heard of Celestial." She had been gone a while, so it was very possible he had visited them or one of them had visited here, but she continued regardless. "I scouted their borders under the guise of a traveling trader. A young male confronted me, but he called for backup from the rest of the pack almost immediately... except only one other wolf showed. An old woman by the name of Gwenevere, who, if I remember correctly, was the secondary alpha. I didn't get much information out of them because I think I went a little strong on the herbs I rolled in after my swim so they might have been suspicious, but I did notice the pack scents, and the numbers seem rather...small." An easy target, she thought. Though they weren't the only easy targets.

"Might be worth thinking about...who knows, with such small numbers, it may mean they lack the strength to protect themselves properly, if very much at all." She gazed at Malleus to gauge his reaction, or perhaps figure out what he might be thinking about it. Her visit to the first pack had been brief, but she had been able to gather some information on their numbers, and they were far, far smaller than the Abraxas Empire. She would wait to hear what he had to say about that bit if anything before she continued on.

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