
Klein Adoptables



7 Years
02-01-2019, 01:51 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2019, 06:32 AM by Nephthys.)
OOC Name: yo, tis maria
Character Name: Cordelia Aöife Klein (Sylvana - Hemiclar x Iber)
Gender: Female
Flowers in Chania

scent consists of blood, death (corpse/decay) with a floral undertone of Belladona
39 inches
chaotic evil
The voodoo queen was born to be a shadow, to slide over the world awaiting for the day she will grab it by the throat. Much alike her disposition her appearance is but a shadow. With furs of pure black to shy her away from the light that always tries to draw her in. She does not need it! Ever since birth, her growth has been painfully slow, still her legs despite her stunted growth, appear long, (but short) allowing movement to be swift with a flowing, whimsical movement. Her nails are painted in the same cerulean of her eyes (day-blind) hidden beneath small, delicate paws. Azure gems, in small pearls grant her sight, pupil-less in appearance in the sun – day-blind, however sight becomes clear with the guidance of the light of the moon and during the night. Despite having a well kept and groomed coat, strings adorned with azure beads, feathers and small birds skull adorn her elongated tail and the front of her chest. Two bracelets can be found on her front ankles, made of the same bone fragment as the piercing in her left ear, that has the same components of string, beads and feather as the rest of her bodice. They all create a witchy, eerie display in a formidable, neat fashion.

Cordelia is Day-Blind (hemeralopic)
Voice: Anjelica Huston (Morticia; from the Addams Family Movie) ; voice!
Most of the times speaks in riddles and rhymes.

Ritualistic. Witchraft. Blackmagic. Mambo jambo mojo. Dominant. Assertive in a subliminal way. Chaos and dystrophy befalls with utter greed. Madness and destruction. A monstrosity, a spider-witch; to the untrained eye, she is a demoness. Mentally unstable; honey laced deceptively with acid. The woman has selfish purpose behind all that she does. The world must burn and she has be the spark, the fire and the gasoline! She does what she wants, never thinking one second about possible consequences; the woman is delussional,  deranged, raw passion surrounding her. Sanity is hidden somewhere deep inside her mind fore in this witch all demons gathered to play; a strong believer she is able to communicate with ghost and spirits alike. She if often found talking with herself. Predatorix. Her personality truly reflects the deeds she has cimmited over the years and gore is her life, as well as what truly lies within those wolf bonds. Ravenous is another way to describe her completely. The spider-witch is obsessed with violence, though not necessarily in an open way. She is nothing more than the creeping, hushed shadows that linger, stretching out like minions craving after the lost souls that wandering helplessly for an eternity. Blood, blood, blood - she survives solely on blood and little fragments of meat, reason why she is a living skeleton in appareance (if it would not be for her luxurious fur); she believes that meat sickens and weakens her therefore often times than not she needs to be force feed.

RP Sample:

Disheveled tendrils curl against her smoooth nape; a slender neckline, shadowed by obsidian boas. Her hair, were matted silk; glossy, luxurious curls, layered in their heavy and feathered decadence. The spider-witch unruled pelt, drapped the slenderness of her toned shoulderblades; creeping sinsiterly, the stars being her only witnesses. Her slender bodice oozed with a deliciously, feral grace. Svelte, and shuddering with the renewed groans of hunger. She wanted it, wanted blood

Her lips curve in yearning; her gaze, reflecting the softness of moonlight as the predatorix stalks for her next meal.

As evening kissed her skin, with gentle fingertips. Nails to rake her flesh.

"Sso clossse."

Nails that would roam the tender contours of her facade. Touching her mouth with the promise of;


Her eyes were soft, and dark yet her voice was anything but. Gliacial, ice cold with heavy tints of malica, her timbre was more of a hissing snake than wolf and she creeped through the night.

"I can sssmell it. They are here."

"Where are they?"


A glacial chill, against the stark beauty of her face. The black eyelashes unfurling over wintry azure. Her expression were shadowed by a cheshire smile, ear to ear, all fangs and gums, yet her demeanour remained, cold, apathetic.

"One, two. I am coming for you."

"You will never sleep again."

You bet your cute ass she is going to follow her family once she know their whereabouts! The crazy sister is in town boys, hide your money! She is mentally unstable; she may attack at any moment, she may speak with herself or the "ghost" or "spirits" or whatever so I see some interesting plots going on! She will demand a blood pact between her and all her siblings because she needs to be sure they are all marked fore if the evil spirits will take her siblings form she needs to be able to tell which is which. Bottom line is: I want scary stuff, I want gore stuff, I want sadism. I need all the gore and drama for my voodoo gal right here. She is going to follow Hannibal leadership as she will consider him still the successor of their father throne. I plan her to be in Ero (duh!) which is kinda weird since all my characters will be there (but oh well!). She is into voodoo crap and blackmagic and witchcraft so I am thinking definitely Healer but inclined 100% towards the bad part resulting in toxicologist and poison/potion maker. She will want to test stuff on her siblings so beware! you never know if it will be poison, cure, alcohol or whatever the heck she will do. You asked about companions? Of course she will have one! A poison dart frog no less. FYI: she will hate Thys and the pups and pretty much any mate or lover her siblings will ever have; she will convince herself they all want the harm of her family or maybe she will have a vision that will convince her. *wiggles eyebrows* feel that smell? The kind of smell that smells smelly. Yeah, that one. It’s d r a m a.

PS: I kinda want her to be a sort of family oracle since she has all those “visions” and can speak with and see the afterlife (in her deranged mind). Maybe Hannibal’s advisor?
PSS: would be nice if someone really believed she really had powers and she was not just sick so they could have rituals and form some little satanic cult? lol

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together