
Bad Company

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-01-2019, 02:49 AM

It soothed her to spend time with the little ones, they were still so innocent, untouched by the world, in cute tiny balls of fluff that demanded her attention and gave her unconditional love in return. It did her heart good to curl around them, and know there here she would always have her place, her duty, and it was to them.

The den was quite, and she heard the soft pad of paws, and would raise her head to see the kits. They stood quietly near the entrance, peering over the barrier designed to keep the pups in. She looked at them for a time, squinting a little in judgement, before she sighed. “Alright then, in you come.” fox’s where good jumpers, and she knew they wouldn’t have any trouble with the barrier that her taller height could walk over.

She let them near the puppies, their eyes bright with curiosity. “Quietly now, there sleeping.” she warned, “If your really quiet, and very gentle, you can curl up with them.” she promised. When they proved they could be both, she shuffled over and made room for them.

This would be the sight Ace would find as he peeked into her den, eyeing up her and the foxes, and telling her she needed them. “There a bit busy at the moment” she told them, mischief in her eyes. She was very, very carefully not thinking about Rhyme, and it was good to have some company.


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