
Bad Company


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
02-01-2019, 03:53 AM

Well shit. It looked like he wouldn't be able to just grab his wayward companions and go. He peered into the den to find them curling up with Shaye's pups, but it was a bit too dark to get a proper look at them so he figured he'd wait till they were running around to get a better look. He wasn't entirely keen on hanging around Shaye's den, but her words and the look in her eye pretty much told him he had no choice. He wasn't the type to pretend he hadn't heard her and just walk away. When it came to those above his rank, he generally waited until he was dismissed. And at this moment he wasn't, so he stifled a sigh and kept a neutral look on his face.

"That's alright...I guess." He muttered the last part to himself as he stood there, trying not to feel awkward. Well, if he had to stick around he might as well ask how she and the pups were doing, right? "How are you doing? Do you need anything?" He would offer to get her whatever she needed if she asked, if only to get away for a few moments. Part of him wanted to stay and talk to her, to be in her presence. But he was still embarrassed about what he'd done the other day considering she more than likely had a mate... even if he still didn't quite know who it was yet.

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