
Klein Adoptables

Daemon I


3 Years
02-01-2019, 05:05 AM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2019, 05:18 PM by Daemon I.)
OOC Name:
Character Name: Jekyll Hyder Klein(originally Kuvo)
Gender: male
45"(so long as i can donate on payday if not 38") | Heavy build

He's the monster of your nightmares. The mountain of muscle that destroys what he touches. He's a looker though, like many of his family. Like his brother's pelts he is marbled with the albinism gene of his grandmother, though less so than Hannibal and more so than Carthage. It's this marbling that marks him a "true Klein", or at least in his opinion. The pattern is unable to be copied by any other. His pelt is asymmetrical like his brothers. His left side holds more of the charcoal that paints his fur, than the white. His right side holds more of the white than the charcoal. His left ear is white while his right is charcoal. his right fore paw is swathed in a charcoal sock. his face holds an irregularly patterned splotch of charcoal. His left rear leg is completely colored with the charcoal, which travels up his hip and over a small portion of his back leaving a slight marking on his left side. His tail is completely charcoal from this marking. His eyes are the real conversation piece. They are an ice blue surrounded by a thin ring of darker blue. His pupils look almost like the darker blue, being barely black enough to be considered black. He's the tallest brother standing at forty five inches, which also makes him the heaviest, at a total of two hundred twenty three pounds. He's built for battle, with all of his bulk being muscle. All in all he's a man that few want to mess with.
Dominance is an easy thing for this man. he's a prince who can socialize with even the best of them. though he'd much rather not. His vision of himself is that of a royal soldier, one that was not to be sacrificed easily, though he held much more power than that. He likes to have control and will fight for that. It is much more often that one will find this man to be a monster, the kind that haunts your nightmares. He is hungry for power and possessions. Those possessions include females and slaves. He is willing to take anything he wants for with force if he must. He is the less charming brother, so therefore he must use force. He has a blurred line of right and wrong, not caring what other's think is wrong. If he wants to do something he does it. Controlling him isn't easy, one must be able to either put him in his place or simply make a role for him that lets him do as he likes without constraints.

He is not one to be crossed, offended or agitated. He thinks nothing of maiming and killing another. in fact the man's a sadist. He also believes fully that if you want it you have to take it. Nothing should be given, everything is earned. He sees ambition and greed as good things, in that they create a drive to want more than just idle things. He also believes that you should put your money where your mouth is, or shut up. He can even be cold with his kin, just as ready to maim them should they fall idle in his eyes or come to upset him in any way. That's not to say that he doesn't have his soft spots though. His most noticeable one is for his sisters. Often though even they find his public face for them to be different than his private one. In public he treats them no different than anyone else, yet in private he is a much sweeter and nicer man. Unless the sister is a half sibling that is. He finds those siblings to be worth less than the "true Kleins". They are illegitimate and should hold no power in his mind other than worker positions. Blood purity is also important to him, only the best should be allowed to bear a Klein litter, and could in fact turn to incest if he does not find a woman he deems acceptable.
RP Sample:
The smell of death accompanied the beast across the bared waste of a land. Not a shred of grass or moisture lurked in the air here. If the phantom cared he didn't show it. His mind was set upon destruction. A certain white faced bastard had it coming to him. The earth here blew plumes of dust and ash as the phantom made his way across the barren landscape. It was dotted with skeletal remains, those of candid and herbivore alike, though some were more apelike in their origin. This place was death. He was death, gliding across the land after a creature that would suffer a demise no creature probably deserved in the eyes of many, but this one had made a mistake. He threatened to infect their bloodline, to infect his sister's womb. He had already seen him off once, taking his sight in his right eye and scarring his disgusting hide across his face.

Jekyll could not let the slight against his family go. His sister's wombs were too precious to become host to any filth of a spawn. He couldn't even best Jekyll, spawn from any breeding he did would be weak and easily destroyed. Unlike Jekyll, who would carry the Klein name to greatness and destroy any in his wake, should they attempt to stop him.

The mad prince gave a pause to his movements, eyeing the area with scrutiny. This was the direction Hannibal had said he was going in, but so far nothing looked suitable, nor better than the famine plagued land of their father. Hannibal best of decided upon moving to a better land lest the phantom question him and challenge for the throne. Hannibal may of been crowned the successor but Jekyll was still certain that he could easily best his more effeminate brother. As for Carnage he would be an obstacle but like all obstacles Jekyll would easily destroy it. It was either that or Hannibal had settled the empire in more fertile lands, bountiful in wombs, denmothers, and prey. He had to hope, the last time he'd had a good lay was too long ago.

He'd lost all the others a while back, but he still pressed on, uncaring for the half siblings and not caring if his full siblings got themselves into some trouble.

Plots/Ideas: going to have him wander for a while. I would like him to gain a reputation and become gossip that eventually reaches his brother's ears which makes them try to track him down only he won't be easy to find. he would eventually join his family but only if they are rising to power in their own pack. he probably would be remembered for his bad temper/attitude and the fact that not even their father could truly control him, so he was more or less feared by most not in their family and maybe even made some family members wary of him. definitely will end up getting scarred up and in quite a few fights. he might try to woo a few ladies or just force them to be his, definitely want a litter or two for this boy. had in mind that he at one point challenged for the empire but failed, and was given a high rank because he did well in the fight. HE will end up with a pair of Ravens and a mountain lion companion, courtesy of my xmas pass.

Ps. I would be fine with it if someone wants to create a child of him, though I don't think he'd have more than 3 so far and they'd be maybe 2 seasons old, since he would of been more careful inside his father's empire not to create children.

p.s.s Im cool with applicants feeding off his rp sample to do their own