
Midnight Tracking



7 Years
02-01-2019, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2019, 01:32 PM by Zinnia.)

He leaned closer, invading her personal space making everything on her hot, igniting the fiery feeling he was feeling. His closeness was driving her mad. She wanted him to be against her, to invade her space. She felt weak that he was getting closer and closer, she was so close to having what she wanted. He pulled her closer and she made no attempt to get away. His words only ignited her fire even more and making a smile creep over her lips. She was his, only his and that's how it would be. To hear him claim that made her passion for him intensify and she realized what that passion meant. She loved him, he would be the only male she would love. It made sense that they were meant for one another. This was just the moment for them to realize it. She let him take her, gave into her hormones and her feelings for him

-Fade out & Fade in-

The rest of the night was just the two of them, spending time together and being in one another's embrace. She couldn't get over how she was feeling, feeling like she was floating on the clouds as she realized what all had went on. Their relationship was at a whole new level. She was currently curled against him, feeling a bit like a giddy young pup, breathing in his scent. It was nearing morning and the sun was starting to rise, lighting the sky slowly. She smiled, her teal eyes looking to his blue ones. Her tail gently wagged as she fondly looked over his face. So much could happen now, what would this all change. She knew she no longer wanted to have a den to her own, she wanted him to be by her side every night. She didn't want to sleep or wake up alone anymore.

"I really do mean it you know," he words were soft, only for him to here. "Yours and yours only."

"Speech" & 'Think'