
Grumple Face



02-01-2019, 08:46 PM

It hadn't been too long since his dad had brought him from wherever they had been to here. A few days? Maybe a week? Typhoon couldn't be too bothered to remember the time, but he knew it was a while. Arcus had been suffering for a while, the man had been old and broken hearted since long before Typhoon was born. There had been some sickness in him, Typhoon was told, a storm that raged and ate at his father until nothing was left. That was why Typhie was brought here, wherever here was, away from those "storms". He was dropped off, given some of his father's brand of affection, before he was left alone. One day, maybe, he would understand that was his father had done had been "caring" in a way. He had brought Typhoon close to the one place, well rather, the one person that he, himself, had felt safe, before wandering off to possibly die from the sickness that ragged his body.

And so, Typhoon sat, his little face downcast as he stared at the stream. His yellow eyes stared back at him, and he grumbled to himself. "I'm hungry" He whispered to himself before lifting his little head and tilting it over his shoulder. He had been shown how to hunt, once or twice, or a few times, but never on his own. The child had never even dreamt of trying to find something to eat on his own, but now he might have too, because it sure seemed like his father wasn't coming back any time soon. And his mother, well, he didn't even know who that was so he doubted very muchly that she wouldn't be around to help any time soon. So with a sigh he stood up on paws too large for his tiny body, and turned away from the little lake that had been his home for a few days. "Well..." He whispered to himself, perhaps a little too frightened of the nothing-ness around him to speak too loudly. "Let's, uh...try?" He whispered before stepping away from the water. First, he put his nose to the earth and took a deep breath, before suddenly sneezing loudly as dirt shot up into his nose. Sputtering, he sat back down, pawing at his face. "Bleg!"

"Burn Baby Burn"