
You could call it an apology

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-01-2019, 09:33 PM

She had left Rhyme with Motif and Poem, he was doing his best to be a good dad and often spent time with the little ones. It was awkward now, right after things had finally smoothed out between them. What a mess, a patchwork of confusion and roadblocks until she didnt know which way to go to straighten things out.

She had left when Rhyme entered, giving him some time with his little ones. Her anger had settled down, the burning rage that had left her emotionless and cold as she had dealt with him. She didn’t regret setting boundaries, but she did regret how she had done it, and that it had hurt him. Hurt them both. She hadn't given him a chance to say his piece, explain what he thought of Tanas rash actions. All she knew was that he had promised to talk to her about sharing him, and the thought had left her feeling sick. That and the knowledge of what she had done to her puppies.

She gave him some time, and took the chance to stretch her legs, and wonder about the territory. When she had taken something to eat from the kill pile and gotten in some fresh air, she would make her way back towards her den. She stopped at the entrance, scuffing a paw in the earth, feeling more than a little nervous.
“I don’t want to hurt you Rhyme.” she said, her voice soft, and she didn’t enter the den yet, just giving him a chance to hear her if he chose to. “But things in your life are a mess right now, and I know you're trying to find your priorities. I don’t want to tie you down and create obligations for you.” He had done that enough in the creation of all his pups.

“-and I don’t want to be drawn into.. Whatever that was.” she referred to the incident where Tana threatened the lives of her puppies, mentioning it only vaguely in the hopes neither of them got too worked up in the memory of it. ”Instead, I want to find my own priorities, the children. I want to be there for them, without.. Confusion. I’m not, and have not, given up on us, but I hope you can forgive me for.. Pushing us aside, until we both know what we want.”

She didn’t enter the den, instead she fell silent, giving him the chance to come and greet her, and talk it over, if he chose, or to stay where he was if he wanted no part in this conversation.



Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.