
Grumple Face

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-01-2019, 09:51 PM

She longed for a time when things had been simpler, when she knew the answers, or at least thought she did. She wondered outside of Abaven to get away from the dramas of pack life, at least for a moment. She didn’t go far, and hadn’t left since her pregnancy, but she felt the pups were doing well, and had plenty of guardians around to ensure their safety and comfort. She didn’t intend to be gone long, just.. Take a moment of fresh air.

The firefly lake was always a nice place to visit, and she found herself wondering near the water's edge, aimless, thoughtless, just staring off into space as she walked. For some reason a memory drifted past, like a faint scent, tickling at her nostrils. It had been some time now since she had last thought of The Storm, the piece of her past she had long since left behind. His place in her heart was sore, in a well-worn sort of way, like a stone that had been smoothed by time.

Why did she think of him now? She could almost scent him, the barest tinge on the wind. A memory, that was all.
Or was it?

She froze, head raised, sniffing the air, still, afraid. No, she couldn’t be.. And then she was moving, chasing that errand scent. It led her to the feather, the small, precious thing of green, dark green, like a forest shadowed by a storm. It had matched his eyes almost exactly, and it had taken her a long time to find it. It was worn now, aged, but she knew it beyond a doubt. She stood over that feather for a long time, unmoving, breath hoarse and harsh in her throat.

He had been here, so close, and yet so far. Why hadn’t he come further? Why hadn’t he come to her?
he was still alive, still out there
That was what the feather said. She picked it up in her mouth as gently as she could, and took up a trot, eyes desperately scanning. Her searching brought her to the boy, she heard him even as she found him, sneezing up a storm, looking a little lost.
“Uhh, hello?” Shaye called as she approached. “Have you seen someone pass through here, i’m looking for.. For..” she stammered, as she stopped, and truly looked at him. He was so young, almost a baby, with elemental markings across a grey coat.
“Arcus.” she whispered the name, finishing her sentence as he mind went blank, she couldn’t say anything, because she had no thoughts left to speak.

"Burn Baby Burn"


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.