
Grumple Face



02-01-2019, 11:09 PM

Typhoon was rubbing his nose when the woman, quite literally, burst on the scene. He jumped visibly, yellow eyes so wide as he reguarded the stranger that he had never seen. What did his father teach him about strangers? Uh, nothing much, really. The two generally kept to themselves after his mother was gone, living together for the short time the had known each other. So...what was he supposed to do? Of course, stare stupidly was an option, one of which he was mastering as we speak. He just stared at her, quiet with large eyes, wondering if she was friend or foe or what could even happen here. This was totally out of his realm of knowledge.

When she spoke he looked up at her, jaw agape slightly. It was strange hearing another wolf's voice, especially one that wasn't the same depth as his father's. He just stared up at her, silent, as she spoke and trailed off. Looking for someone? Why would she be looking for anyone? There was no one but him, and it's been a while since anyone else has been here. But then she said a name that was very familiare to him, and he tilted his head. Why would she know his dad? Typhoon had been told stories of his father's time here, of the big huge family that shattered at the drop of the hat, and those that he had met. And there was always one name in particular that always came up in his stories. And so, the little boys eyes narrowed slightly as he reguarded her, before his eyes landed on the feather behind her ear. "You, uh...whatwasit...Shaye?" He stammered lightly as he looked up at her, oblivious of her thoughts or feelings. He only knew what he knew, and it was very little.

"Burn Baby Burn"