
Grumple Face

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-01-2019, 11:18 PM
She looked at the young wolf, the offspring of her childhood crush, stunned. Her lips were slightly parted, but no further words came forth. She could only stare at him, and he would stare back. His eyes moved to her feather, and at last, he would speak. He knew her name, and it seemed a confirmation of something to Shaye, because she drew in a sharp breath between her teeth.

Her voice shook slightly as she spoke next. “Oh god… Is he..” she trailed off, she couldn’t even say it. How old would Arcus be now. Younger than her parents, obviously, who had already passed on from old age. It had been so long since she had thought about him, before she had fallen for Rhyme, he had cast a shadow over this pain, blinding her from it. She had always wondered.. Wanted to know, did he find happiness? That grumpy, shadowed wolf who had sat beside her through the storms, who had listened to her when she experienced her first ever troubles in life.

He had listened when she told him that Rhythm was leaving the pack, and how it had confused her. She had told him when Motif had argued with Lillie. He had listened when she raved on about feathers, and taken on the one she had given him with pride. She, in turn, had listened when he had told her he felt out of place with his family, disconnected and different. They had been a family, of a sort, he had accepted her into her life when he wouldn’t let anyone else in. she never had figured out why.
She was crying, she hadn’t managed to finish her sentence, had stared in silence, and then began to cry. A stately sort of anguish, her body still, and tearts seeped slowly through her cheeks, her breath very faint, soft gasps. She never expected him to live, and somehow, finding his pup near her border, knowing her name. Some part of her told her he was dead, and she couldn’t even fathom why.

"Burn Baby Burn"


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