
You could call it an apology

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-02-2019, 02:31 PM
[Image: 7vi0s2F.jpg]

Rhyme sighed softly as he eased down beside the sleeping puppies. Shaye took her leave as soon as he’d appeared though he couldn’t tell if it was because she was giving him time with the girls or to get away from him. Everything was twisted up and unclear between them now. He hadn’t shared but a few words with her since the incident with Tana and he was just trying to focus on raising his kids. It was all he could do. Rhyme nuzzled into the little pile of fluff at his belly, trying to suppress his tumultuous emotions as he focused on his tiny daughters.

Or not so tiny anymore. Their eyes were bright and aware and they were working on finishing sentences. They had dangerous levels of control over their legs and he was more grateful for the barrier at the entrance of the den than he thought he might be. They were no trouble right now though, their little snores were music to his ears. He felt himself smiling down at them, a sense of love he hadn’t ever realised possible blossomed in his heart for them.

He was just enjoying their presence when he head Shaye at the entrance of the den. He perked his ears and listened quietly to her soft voice before moving himself carefully away from the sleeping girls. With care he bunched the soft furs around them to keep them warm before slipping to the entrance of the den. Shaye was right, his life was anything but certain right now. When he’d drunkenly enjoyed both her and Tana he had never guess the actions would cause such crazy events. Tana had almost abandoned two of their children and stolen the third. He’d realized there was a deeper love for Shaye than should have blossomed.

He wanted to prioritize his children as well, he had to. They had never asked to be born, but they were here and he needed to focus on their well being. He felt a relief that Shaye was not giving up on them, and he couldn’t blame her for her actions either. Rhyme ducked out of the den to her, captivated by her brilliant blue eyes once more.

”I can’t blame you, Shaye. Things have been… not ideal.” He chanced she might accept a quick nuzzle as he aimed to offer the affection against her cheek. ”Our children should be our priority, and if we have to sacrifice our relationship for them I won't hesitate. I love you, and want to make things work. But my children are my priority now.” He sat back, unsure where their conversation might bring them. He wanted stability, if only for the puppies.