

Pontifex I


07-12-2013, 06:09 PM

Not long after his approach, two other wolves had come to answer the midnight woman's call as well. Switchback, the young she-wolf he had met a few weeks ago during his call to his king about the deceased seracian woman, came to the call, offering him a greeting. Hello Switchback, it's nice to see you again. His attention turned to the second female, the ivory, russet stained one. Kamala. He remembered his sister Loccian telling him a little about the Grand Duchess and he was pleased that she recognize him despite it being his first time ever meeting the young woman. Greeting Ms. Kamala. A bow of respect was presented to the ivory dame before the esquire turned his attention back to the midnight woman, onyx ears tipping forward with attention as she began to speak.

My name is Medusa, and perhaps none of you knew me before, but you will know me now. I have beaten Newt of Amenti in a challenge for the pack and taken it for my own. I think it is therefore obvious as to why I am here. I am closely allied with Ludicael, and I have met your King before. I wish to know if our packs can come to an agreement of sorts. He ignored her first bit, noting the suggestive nature of her question, instead focusing on her next set of words. Medusa was her name and she apparently had challenged for the pack Amenti, and beaten the queen named Newt. And now she was here requesting some sort of agreement. Agreement for what? Pontifex looked towards Kamala, knowing that the younger dame was higher ranked than him, therefore these matters had to be handled by her. Haunches folded beneath the dark man as he watched his duchess question the new queen Medusa, vocals kept silent, simply content with offering up his support.

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