
You do what you have to (Pack Meeting)

Gargoyle I


07-12-2013, 06:11 PM

The first to speak up was Kaala, well, other than the white pup that Nniotra had decided to bring along. But before Gargoyle could do more than meet her gaze, a shout shook the clearing. Cifer was half gasping, half crying out in fear and denial. Gargoyle was a rare one to plainly show emotion, but even his eyes got larger seeing that display. Crusade was quick to deal the first one who dared say a word against him, however, and then with a polite excusing of herself, rushed out. In the disruption, Gargoyle hadn't heard Ithurial's calls, but he was happy to see her coming in alongside Orica a moment after Crusade left.

The next to speak after that was Midnight, and, had Gargoyle been any other wolf, her loyalty and acceptance would've put a smile on his muzzle. Instead, he responded with a deep dip of the head, touched by her confidence. She was definitely one of the wolves he was more proud about accepting. Then came Eria, a wolf who's acquaintance he had Crusade to thank. And it seemed he would have it longer still.

"Daddy...can I talk to private?" Gargoyle glanced down, his eyes falling upon his elder daughter. He'd forgotten to teach his children proper protocol at meetings, hadn't he? Oh well, could've been worse. Compared to Cifer she was ready to be an interpack dignitary. "During a pack meeting, isn't a good time, darling," he said, lowering his head to her level and his voice to a fatherly whisper. "If you have something you think important on the matter, you can say it to everyone, or you and I can talk together later."

At the call of his name, Gargoyle looked up, his eyes focusing on the quiet healer who'd been sitting next to the green-eyed warrior. He heard her words with an prick of interested ears. "Awaken and you?" he repeated, his voice remaining bland enough to go without obvious insinuation. But he understood. Maybe his words to Awaken had done some good after all. About dang time. "Very good," he replied, meaning it for more than just the fact that they were coming.

A shift of black and white fur to his side procured his attention immediately. Ocena was coming up to him. Here he was just smirking happily on the inside over Awaken and Mercianne and they unconscious display of affection, but as soon as his mate started moving his heart started pounding. He could be such a child sometimes, but he couldn't help it. Lately it'd seemed like he and Ocena had fallen in love all over again, this time even deeper, if that was, indeed, somehow possible. She threatened to bring out that hint of smile that had been lurking on his maw, and by the time she reached "-my darling." she'd won it. Her trusting eyes, her wagging tail, her turned head, who could resist? It took all the strength the Chief had to preserve some level of decorum in public and refrain of pressing his nose into her forehead. Her question about helping gave his mind the logical distraction it needed. "Everyone can help pitch in," he replied, letting his words address all those who would come. "Scouts are needed to head out and find suitable places for camps, secluded enough to give our pack privacy, but plentiful enough to feed it. Those that remain can help our healers collect herbs for the journey, or bring down game to make sure everyone is well fed. And of course there's the youths to attend to." Here he fixed the young 'uns with his gaze, even the one that could no longer see it. "Going nomadic means that they'll need more knowledge of the outside world. Those willing can give lessons on hunting, fighting, healing or experience through storytelling."