
Bad News Bears

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-03-2019, 08:23 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2019, 08:23 PM by Shaye I.)

Adrenaline was spiking through her system, making her feel alive her first, quick, if foolish, attempt hadn’t born any fruit and she paused, catching her breath as she watched Rhyme engage. He caught the bears attention, and the race was on. Now that it wasn’t focused on her, she needed to get a better shot. She couldn’t leave Rhyme dancing in front of him for long, just one misjudgment on his part could be fatal. She thought again of Sparrow and felt her anger rising inside of her. For all she knew, this could well be the bear it could have the blood of an Abaven wolf on its paws.

She ignored Valentine’s sarcasm, but listened to his advice with half an ear. He was warning Rhyme of the dangers, and she bit back the urge to venture a no shit to the man. But he showed he was still there to help, giving a distraction of his own as it charged her Alpha partner.
head in the game she backed up, getting herself a running start, before charging. She bit back the urge to howl, knowing her part in his was surprise. She lept for its back once more, back paws digging in on its lower back for leverage, pulling herself up until her teeth could dig into the back of its neck. Her front paws scrambled fora  hold in its thick fur, and she hung the fuck on as it reared backwards. As this failed to lodge her it came back down heavily on its front paws and she used this momentum to drive her teeth further in. man its fur was thick, and well she was gorging a bloody hole, she hadn’t yet found its jugular.

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