
Living Not Alive

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
02-03-2019, 09:24 PM
Actaea let her hold her tight, and Shaye wouldn’t let go easily, holding the young girl, and feeling her sobs wrack her body. She was caught between a feeling of hopelessness, an inability to make this right, and hot rage. She wanted to tear apart the ones that had hurt her Actaea, she wanted to rip them to shreds for their stupidity, their recklessness, their lack of compassion. Everything that Actaea was not. Her apprentice was a thousand times the person her father was.
“Yes, absolute yes, even if you just want to talk about nothing, if you just want company, my door is always open to you” she whispered gently back to her apprentice.

She couldn’t help, though she tried to stop it from slipping through, she growled as Actaea questioned next what was wrong with her. deep breath she reminded herself, she couldn’t rage, not here and now. Actaea needed her. She needed to push aside that demon that lived inside of, raging out against the wrongs of the world.
“There is nothing wrong with you Actaea, nothing. her voice was more ragged then she would have liked. “Some people.. Some people see the world in different ways. They see it for what they can get the most out of it, they want to take and take, and don’t care who they destroy along the way. Then, there are some people who only want to give, to make things right in the world, to forge on, and learn. That’s who you are, don’t let the takers destroy who you are, Actaea, because who you are is brilliant.”


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