
Pray For The Wicked



7 Years
02-03-2019, 10:04 PM

There was no fortune that dare bask in glory’s sin, the everlasting river standing as a veil in the wake of tragedy afoot, clinging to its life source, spouting catastrophe at the seams, and unmotivated to relent astray from its bittersweet tendencies. The rocks beneath each passing step were coated in this their luminescence, their deadly shimmer, as shrouded in their falsity of allure and gentle caress to a swollen paw was the sentence of an eternal rest. The expansive river was monstrous, nature’s fair entity even in this hazardous winter, and it thrummed to life in her earthen ears. It attempted to warn her of its potential hazards, of its unforgiving clutches, as such shedding light upon its angelic generosity, but despite its bold efforts the autumn babe could not be scared away. The probability of death did not frighten her as it should have a pregnant woman, but instead served its term as a most gracious tempt, an intoxicating promise, and therefore an irresistible persuasion that lured her as a flame did its delicate moth. The bronze vixen has always been weak towards temptation, she has always done what she saws fit, whatever she wanted was her for the taking; she shall have it by either free will or she will take it by force from their cold grasp. But the spoken of creature took flight with broken wings, its patterns of motion messy and scattered, and because of this it could not trust itself, for death awaited it most blissfully as it hummed an enticing lullaby into its eager mind. But she was not done yet, she was not yet to die and join the rest of her deserted family; she was building one of her own, one that needed her and that filled her with what one could only call bliss and harmony. She was well taken care of, the patriarchal figure; the father, was not absent like her own, he was genuinely interested in the well being of his successors and that is all she needed. They were like two pawns for each other on the chess board of life and they shall use one another to their advantage for as long as they consider fit. That is all it was and they both knew it. They both agreed to it. And it was better this way.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

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