
Peeping Tom

Osiris I


4 Years
02-03-2019, 11:04 PM
The sunrise rose after hiding for the night as the young canine gave a small breath, taking in the cool morning air. He had decided to stay here and rest after hunting and fishing for a little bit, coming up with only a few fish and hare that he had buried not too long along by the creek. Oh Siri, he hoped that the day wasn't going to cause him any troubles. His eyes scanned the area for any specific dangers as he took some shelter in a nearby treeline just encase he had a way to hide if there was some form of undesirable that came his way.

He got up from his position, stretching his legs forward as he bent his back slightly. He was young enough to not experience any cracking limbs, but, he was certainly shorter than most wolves in these lands, that was for certain. Another reason why his brother loved to call him small fry, but he still hadn't heard any word from him so he let him go about his journey as well, and hopefully they would meet each other again soon.

As he ventured outward to find his breakfast and have some energy to start the day, he happened to stop within his tracks once he reached the creek. A femme of an ashen creme coloration happened to catch him off-guard for a bit. He had rarely ever spoken to females before, so this would be a whole new experience to him. But, perhaps she didn't wish to speak to someone, or maybe she didn't want to speak to someone of his...stature. He must have kept looking at her for quite some time, cause before he could get his bearings, he only heard the sound of water splashing.