
Caricature of intimacy



7 Years
02-04-2019, 05:27 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 06:21 AM by Nephthys.)

Dance with the Devil

It is time. Whether or not the bronze Goddess was mentally prepared to expand her bloodline, physically, her abdomen was greatly distended to create space for the developed fetuses residing within her womb, convulsions wracking her interior to indicate that her pregnancy was swiftly drawing to a close. The unpleasant sensation that abruptly consumed her fragile being was one that the vixen had never previously experienced and thus, when the pangs began to strike, fluctuating in intensity from her swollen abdomen, the woman felt panic wash over her in rivers. She knew then, instinctively, that in mere hours, the new Klein and Ithuriel additions would make their arrivals – with or without her compliancy. Distraught pants cascaded jaggedly from the babe’s velvet lips, hung awry with the pained expression contorting her beautiful features as brief whines slipped involuntarily into the cacophony of her hysteria. Serpentine limbs propelled the wench to the den the ivory beast prepared for them during the earlier stages of her pregnancy, faltering in stride with each strained step she took, incessant barks mingling with her sobs to wake the bastard who had placed her in such a vulnerable state and who was sleeping a short distance away and hopefully will wake up soon as she had demanded of him. They were his children too, after all, and she knew he wanted to remain a permanent part of their lives, and since they agreed to a year of their lives spent together – it was a choice she had made clear to him and a choice she would not sway from. Dainty paws flexed as the woman pulled her mass further into the den she would be confined to for the next several hours, halting before she laid her swollen bodice on the ground, as an abrupt howl split her clenched jaws in summon to her dearest Leera and their High Lord, inclined to invite them to witness as their youth were presented to the earth, hoping at least Leera would provide her with the comfort she knew she needed. They have not found a healer yet and this was a dangerous situation; there was no one to aid her deliver and they might lose some of them. Panic rose through her mind like a disease as the moment of truth washed over her in tides once again. She needed Leera. Out of all of them she had at least some experience. Once her beckoning howl had concluded, the woman took deep irregular breaths and pain evident in her countenance as further contractions afflicted her interior, urging for her to begin the process. " No. " came the rapid breaths of a woman in tremendous amounths of pain. She would refrain from it, allowing pain to dominate her serpentine body as she waited for her dear friend.

html by castlegraphics; art by wolf-minori
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together