
Caricature of intimacy



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-04-2019, 01:46 PM

She had watched from afar as the pregnancy progressed for her master's mistress. She'd served her like Hannibal asked but she had kept her interactions limited to delivering food and anything else she was asked. Nephthys had yet to stop her to yell or anything so Eulogy kept her distance otherwise. She had been ordered to not speak unless spoken to so she did that. She had a fish for nephthys and a hare for hannibal as she heard the howl. She knew the direction and that the pups were due soon so it did not come as a surprise to her. She kept her pace and came to a pause outside.

The fish was fresh and the hare still warm enough to make her mouth water. Yet she knew better. Her ribs still protruded, maybe worse than when she had been brought here by hannibal. She watched as a female went inside the den and Eulogy wasn't sure she should enter at all. Hannibal's den was not a strange location for the slave anymore but she wasnt sure of the two women without her master near. Maybe she should just leave the meals outside in the snow for them. But then again hannibal might have her tail for that. She slowly crept inside, her head down and tail tucked. She  was quiet and quick as she went about her duties. She laid the hare at hannibal's bed and the fish out of the way but close enough for Nephthys to be able to reach it when she was done. She knew she would likely not receive a dismissal from either today so she quickly made for the exit, only to stop next to it and sit. She kept everything submissive about her, careful not to anger either woman. She had to admit that she was curious about the little ones. She also had a hope that maybe she might get to hold one once the ordeal was over. Though she wasn't so stupid as to believe either parent would allow her near them, since she was just a slave and might corrupt their hearts with softness.


[Image: n8iDN8Z.png]