
Caricature of intimacy



8 Years
02-04-2019, 06:08 PM

The call sent shivers down his chilled spine as the phantom patrolled the border. Hannibal had anticipated the arrival of his spawn for days now and was riddled with joy as the time finally came. As soon as her shriek of panic filled his idle ears pale pads fell upon the earth and carried his monstrous form through the territory. Thys' location was clear as the direction of the call was towards the river bank within the forest. She had been lingering close to the den more often due to this exact situation. Hannibal had worried if she strayed too far the pups would have come in an inopportune moment and cause issues. The thoughts of what their glorious offspring would look like or bring to these miserable lands haunted his every thought. Both of the parents were beautiful specimen and have countless mutations. Hannibal is albino and his father melanistic. Thys has both genitalia and plagued with a serpentine tongue. Both were unique but also blessed all the same.

Hannibal arrived not long after Leera and Eulogy. His Bond Servant was just leaving to sit outside the den as he let forth a gruff grunt. Dominance poured from his form as he completely ignored Eulogy to greet the woman within his den. His pelt was chilled and his nose frosty thus he felt comforted by the warmth of their home. It seemed she had just began labor and he silently hoped it would be short for all of their sakes. Leera offered the babe some ginger and he was thankful to say the least. They lacked a true healer but he figured the cream gal was experienced enough to help the delivery. "It is time." Husky vocals filled the air as he sat near the head of Thys but not hovering to give her some needed space. Sounds of panting and moans filled his ears. His usual abrasive behavior was left at the door of the den for this was a matter of life or death. Would the heirs of the Klein Empire survive birth? "Leera, do I need to do anything?" He figured he wasn't going to be much help but would offer anyways. His eyes moved back and forth from the two powerful women.

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.