
Rallying the Troops



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
02-04-2019, 06:57 PM

Today was the day. Through Jupiter, Valentine had already gotten word to the various rogues and mercenaries outside of Boreas who had pledged to his cause (either in pursuit of vengeance or profit) and instructed them to gather and wait at the designated place. All that was left for him to do was round up the rogues and pack wolves of Boreas and lead them to the rest of the war party.

The little pointy-eared woman had proven very insightful and Valentine had no doubt that the information she had provided would aid their efforts. Using it, Valentine was confident they would be able to weed out the entire slaver horde; root, stalk and fruit. He expected them to put up quite a fight, but with surprise and numbers on their side, Valentine had no doubt his band would walk away the victors.

He hadn’t gotten everything squared away like he wanted to, but after seeing to the majority of his challenges he felt at peace enough to move forward with the plan. Rhythm would be well taken care of in his absence, Shaye had been benched because of her newborns and Rhyme, well...

Valentine had made enough peace with his son’s mistakes to allow Rhyme to come along even though his first inclination had been to tell him to stay home since he couldn’t be trusted to make good decisions. The old king’s temper had cooled enough that he thought he could spare Rhyme his ire long enough to complete the raid. It would be waiting for him when they returned, though, and Valentine had already made up his mind on that front. His solution didn’t give him peace, but he took solace from the fact that he would be doing his name justice. If Rhyme had to be made an example of to keep the rest of the Imperialis family in line, so be it. He didn’t think any of his kids would give him too much pushback over his decision, but as for his mate... He could only hope Rhythm could forgive him one day.

After throwing back his head Valentine called together all those who had agreed to aid him. Those of Legion, of Abaven and of the rogue lands. He was careful not to say why he was howling, only that he requested their presence. They would know why they were being summoned. As for those who didn’t know of his scheme, they would no doubt hear his voice and think he was howling on behalf of his pack. Any unsavory elements would remain oblivious to his intent.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.