
darling dear



9 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2019, 10:20 PM
She had finally had to admit to herself that what she had feared was indeed coming to pass, and she was unlikely to make it to her pups' first birthday, let alone beyond. She needed to provide for their futures, futures in which it was rapidly becoming clear that they would be orphans. She would no longer be there to teach them and guide them on their paths, so she would need to see to it that the pack provided for them until they were old enough to choose their own way, to make sure they were prepared for life outside of the pack if that was what they chose.

Sighing softly to herself, she pulled herself out of the den, and immediately had to lay down outside of it to rest. It was the middle of the day, so she wasn't sure where the pups had gotten themselves. She regretted that she hadn't been able to bring them on the field trip far outside the pack as she'd planned, to teach them the skills they'd need for long journeys. She regretted that she'd had so few fight trainings with Artur, Cairo, and Caelia, all of who seemed most interested in her own path. She regretted that she hadn't insisted on more healer training for the gentler Geoffrey and Viviane. She regretted that her pups had spent more time with Princess, the long haired cat she'd rescued so long ago, while she'd been out patrolling and caring for the pack, than they had with her. She'd never be able to remedy that lack, and she wasn't sure the sacrifice had been worth it.

She sighed again, then called out softly for her older daughter, hoping she was nearby. They had some things to discuss, but she would not put any of her children in an uncomfortable situation by calling them all together to lay it bluntly before them.