



3 Years
Extra large
02-05-2019, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 08:55 PM by Eurus.)

Life was getting boring being simply stuck in the pack, there was nothing to keep his mind occupied. Not even his siblings seem to fill that desire he couldn’t explain. Today he had done perhaps the worse offense to the rules. Boldly crossing that invisible line they called the border and galloping further and further away from the pack. He did have a mission though, he wasn’t blindly leaving the pack for nonsense. He was hot on the trail of one of the older members of the pack, fallowing her because her father was the fighter he wanted lessons from. He figured she was a fighter too and maybe she was going out to fight somebody.

He was a lanky pup taking after his father in size and the height and big paws didn’t help in keeping good balance. He was always tripping and falling, stumbling and fumbling. When he got to the swamps he slowed, finding it harder to fallow her scent in the dampened conditions. Remembering what his father had taught him he took his time, despite being excited to catch up to her. The only good thing now, was the tracks she was leaving in the mud giving him another way to ensure he was still on her trail. He moved slow trying to fallow her trail paw for paw as he tried to be more quiet upon his approach. He knew he was close when he heard someone speaking, but the boy couldn’t keep his excitement at bay. He pushed harder and harder to catch up and by the time he caught up to her he ended up tripping and funneling. Falling face first into the mud beside her front left paw. It didn’t stop him though, even with his coat now painted in mud he got right to his feet looked to her and then looked to this man. Then back at her and grinned.

“Are you gonna fight this guy?” he asked, his tail flinging mud as it wagged.
