
stay low move slow like animals



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
02-05-2019, 06:12 PM

The young wolf, soft spoken and quite in all other matters of life, could be a spitfire when she saw matters of healing handled incorrectly. The Titan before her seemed surprised at her outburst, and indeed perhaps she could have handled things more gently, but.. Who in their right mind just sat in the ocean, bleeding? She could see that it had already attracted some little fish that nibbled at the edges. He was lucky he hadn’t attracted anything worse, and besides, this was no way to care for a wound.

She tsked under her breath as he stood, and demanded to know who she was, that she dared give him a command. “I am a healer, and you, Sir, are injured. what did you think sitting there was going to do. You suppose to clean it out with salt water, not sit in it, kicking up sand into the wound, and I see no other herbs prepared.” she glanced about herself with exaggerated care, but saw nothing of use to him. With a hunched over on the sand and began to pick through her medicine bag, a faded blue thing that loped about her neck and hung down near her right forelimb.

She showed no fear of him, despite her tiny size and brisk words. The truth was, if he wanted to hurt her there was nothing she could do. Raised all her life as a healer, with the vow to ‘do no harm’ still ringing in her ears. He could either let her heal her, send her on her way (good luck) or harm her. But even that prospect, well.. The healer could not turn away from any wolf. She raised to heal and to help, without prejudice.
