
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle



7 Years
02-05-2019, 07:25 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 07:25 PM by Typhon.)

While he would've chalked up his more laid-back demeanor to Kasdeya's own rather unthreatening one (at least in comparison to how he felt around Malleus, for example), the truth was.. Typhon had grown more comfortable in his own skin. Growing used to living within the Empire again had certainly calmed his restless soul, and much of the nervousness he'd once been plagued with had grown softer. It was never completely gone, but it had softened significantly, enough so that he felt like - for once in his life - he actually belonged somewhere. Jesting about his family gossiping was proof of that.

"I'm perfectly okay with uninteresting. It sure beats natural disasters sent from the gods to spite us, no, sister?" That slightly playful grin remained, only wilting slightly. While he knew the Abraxas family didn't shy away from excitement if necessarily, he really didn't like to be on their God's bad side, and he hoped the relativity peaceful state they'd found themselves in was proof they were in his favor was again.. or at least moving into it. The flood, and almost losing Zinnia, had been enough excitement for him for awhile.

Apparently Kasdeya had been experiencing something exciting in an entirely different way. "Uncle, eh? Congrats, Kasdeya," he offered her a slow, but genuine, smile. He'd never fully understood the appeal of parenthood until recently, though Malleus's ideas had been stewing in his head for quite awhile now, and he was warming up to the idea. He was wildly unsure of it, but had been considering it nonetheless. "You're already an aunt," he quipped lightly, referring to their younger nieces and nephews, though he knew very well that wasn't what she was talking about. "I jest. I know very well what you mean, and I'm working on it, if you must know." He felt his face grow hot, and thanked himself for the fur that covered his cheeks.

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