
Abraxas pup for Adoption



7 Years
02-05-2019, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2019, 08:51 PM by Zinnia.)

Typhon Abraxas & Zinnia Wreckage
Note: Click on the names to view the profile

These two are having a litter of puppies! Both Nyx and I are going to be playing a pup and we have decided to put one pup up for adoption. Pups will be born and raised by both parents in Risen empire. They will have the last name of Abraxas and will be raised and trained in their beliefs. To get more information on the Abraxas look here or you need to contact Fox with questions about them or their religion. That is the main info, but there is some additional information below.
  • Absolutely No applications that will have the pup being disloyal to the family or the religion. The pups will be raised to learn Abraxas religion there is absolutely no way they are going to be born hating their family or their religion.
  • No Off-the-wall characters This will include no intersex characters, No cannibalism, or things of that sort. This will also include crazy or off the wall designs as well, neither parents have crazy designs thus the pups wouldn't either.
  • This pup will be reclaimed by Nyx or I if you fall inactive. We arn't too strict but we do want this pup to be active and to interact with it's siblings and other family members.
  • Demonic or God Themed names just like the rest of the family this pup should have a name fallowing the same theme.
  • We do have some designs by the lovely Monster to pick from, but you can also bring your own design as well to the table.
  • Personality should fall neutral to evil. Zinnia is Lawful Neutral, while Typhon is Lawful evil. So anywhere in the middle, but slightly darker aligned is okay as long as it fallows the other requirements.
  • No discounts on height for these guys. Father is 36 inches while mother is 29 inches so they both fall within heights you do not need to pay extra for.

Note: My pup is going to be design number 3, but I'm putting it up here in case anyone wants to do a twin :)

<b>Which design?</b>


<b>Rp sample:</b>