
Prayers for the damned



7 Years
02-06-2019, 02:13 AM
Their birth came days ago and they were still blind, they were still following the milky scent to their mother; Banshee was wriggling next to her siblings in the warmth of her mothers fur. She was always the fusy one, the one that made the most noise, reason why her father named her so. Recluse is the one that wakes next, trotting out on legs shorter than matchsticks, attempting to escape her mother confinement, yowling all the way. The autumn babe picks her up in her pretty maw, returning it to her "nest" of luxurious fur and then she eyes the slave woman again. When she almost opens her jaws to question her again her auditory system catches yet another newborn yowl. It was Mordecai, the smallest of the litter, the runt they were most worried about. Now two, no all three were awake and crawling, trotting into her elongated tail (four times longer than a normal lupine), moving over the bushy fur like it was an un-mown prairie. This time the autumn babe was faster, but each time she takes in a spawn in the warmth embrace of a blanket like tail another tumbles out. Then finally she gives up and instead she rose from their bed and decided to let them "patrol" it instead, deciding to remain to their right. It is a never ending job. she purred, the strain and joy both clear in her voice. The feline servant of the bronze Goddess, Alphonse, watchen from the shadows; narrowed eyes, feline slits, red and consuming, that was all that could be seen of the male that prowled within the darn, eyeing the other woman with suspicion. It was his duty to guard not only his Mistress but also her precious cubs, his duties have multiplied and one might even say he was in over his head however his luck was that the cubs were still too small to leave the comort of their den. Alphonse watched as his Mistress leaned her head graciously towards the offering, jaws spreading in order to catch the piece and chew it throughfully however her murderous inciros came close, deliberatly too close to Eulogy's own in order to test the woman reaction. Ran from a spider only to get caught in yet another spider web. she purred softly after the sweet piece of meat was swallowed. Her position was not as regal as she was used to due to the hard days behind her however she still hold her eerie, exotic beauty and her dominant stance, honest arrogance emitted from each pore as her shoulderblades were rolled backwards, chest pushed in order to appear bigger than she was. She was of blue blood, after all, she was taught from a small age that appearances, etiquette and diplomacy matters the most. I pity you. she continued, adjusting her weight with a roll of her hips, as luxurius tail was not wrapping around her frame. Speak freely, child.


Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together