
Prayers for the damned



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
02-06-2019, 04:51 AM

surprise crossed her features at the other woman's admission of being enslaved. It was carefully wiped from her face though. Someone had once kept the master's mistress as a breeding bitch? Had she suffered the weight of men vile and vicious like Eulogy had? Had she felt ribs crack under the weight of stikes? Had she been starved so she would be driven to be obedient to those that would allow her tiny morsels? Why did she treat Eulogy so cruel then if she knew how hopeless and dark it was to be her?

Her ears folded. Why be cruel? The answer was probably just as simple as nephthys had a chip on her shoulder and she saw an opportunity to be able to do as was done to her. How sick nephthys had to be in the head. Her words were no surprise when she told Eulogy that no one would release her. "But what good does it do me to not look at the positives of my situation? At least my head can be dry in the rain, prisoner or not I have to look on to the positives, lest I fall into darkness and not find my way back." the darkness she spoke of being death. She had been scared of death for a long time, scared it could hurt worse than her life had. "I've been raised from the age of a few days old for this life. I've been trained to please the desires of men without complaint." yes her fate was definitely sealed. "even the man who sired me had his taste... I have nightmares of the pain nightly."

She went about her duties then. Stripping the last bits of meat from the fish and feeding it to Nepthys. Her eyes wouldn't connect to the woman's or her caracal's gazes. She knew her fate was death, only prolonged by Hannibal because he wasnt done toying with her. She did so hope that someone would save her one day but the chance of that was nigh impossible.


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