
secret confessions



3 Years
Extra large
02-06-2019, 09:18 AM

Miach was bored of waiting for his brother. It seemed whatever Kane had to do in the north was taking weeks and weeks. The north was seemingly empty for the most part due to it being the thick of winter. other then perhaps the one pack in the gorge there was next to nothing. Miach chose to reside near The Wall in a makeshift den and managed to interact with a few rogues but nothing exciting. The male was read to call for his brother once more and to give him a choice of either leaving together or Miach going alone. A pang of annoyance struck the beast for he had come to reunite with Kane after a long time of resentment and regret. Perhaps this was karma.. Karma for following Elias so closely rather then paying attention to his more caring familia. A simple shrug of doubt came forth as the beast shook the thoughts away.

Due to his anxiety the beast needed an outlet. He was built to be a fighter with a large and muscular form. Miach made it a goal to hone these skills in just in case the day came in which he would have to fend off his demonic kin. Plus, if he was going to seek a entry into a pack the male needed some skills to offer. Thus, is devilish form moved its way to the snow covered battlefield with a neutral look upon his handsome features. He was a blot of blood and ink upon a pure white blanket. His red eyes narrowed slightly due to the alabaster below. Suddenly his head shot into the air and a beautiful song of war came forth. It was a summon for another who may wish to participate in a spar.

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