she sat watching Hannibal devour his meal, refusing to meet his eyes though. His pups slept but soon she knew they'd grow hungry and restless and only nephthys could fix such a thing. Her ears pressed back as he asked if she had ever had pups before. Last spring she had had her mother to help with contraceptives and things that would cause her body to not allow for pups. It was an underhanded thing to do but she didn't want to have pups for someone she didnt love.
"No, though I do know the touch of men, and their vicious lust." she spoke the word lust with a different tone but the rest was quiet. Her voice was croaking slightly from misuse. She clearly had a feeling of hate for the touches she had suffered from her past masters. She looked away watching the world outside as she remembered the feeling of being raped. If only she was able to tell them no, only that would of landed her either dead or seriously injured. She suspected now her weight may keep her from conceiving. It was fine with her though. She would rather not conceive for someone she did not love. Though she also knew if hannibal wanted her to he might turn relentless and she would be forced to.