
Prayers for the damned



7 Years
02-06-2019, 03:25 PM
She was a visionary with a dream. She could care less what others thought ofher as long as they obeyed. She acknowledge that she has odd methods, but they work. She knows what life should be like and she understands that many things and creatures are inferior to her. Is that what you are then? A survivor? Is that what you think of yourself? of the woman had hands she would have rubbed them together in that classic way villains do, she wasn't about to pretend to be anything other than what she was. The Goddess enjoyed it, to her prying inside someone mind and spitting in it, taking more power was only a game. She placed her moves and sat back for her opponent to make the move she knew they would. Really, where was the challenge in that? But it was more fun than not playing at all. You are not. You are a cockroach. the bitch hissed softly, honied tones dippin in poison. Some people are born good and always fight off the bad. Some people are born bad and become good through great effort. Others are born in light and fall to darkness. And others are born in darkness and cannot see the light. The autumn babe wonderd for a moment where she fell on that scale but her thoughts wondered further to her younglings and how would be they become. Would they be predators? Heathens? Cruel sociopaths? Whatever they were going to be they had to be strong in order to bring honor to their parents. When I was but a child I realised the life ahead of me was one of anger, pain and hatred. Of darkness. Did I want that? melodious tones wrapped in malice intent escaped her jowls as she made her way towards her three devil shops, wrapping her reptilian form towards her shadowed servant in order to embrace all four of them with her bodice and tail. Yes, I did. she shifted her weight, covering her spawns with her tail once again, acting as a blanket, I grew up surrounded by fire and ash and poison and death. she mused, slightly above a whisper, It was the only thing I knew, so of course I wanted it. I was never taught what love was. What kindness was. In fact, in my entire puphood I saw just one type of smile besides my mothers - a smile full of malice and cruel intent. her fiery gaze fell upon the chocolate woman attempt to flee however it seems she had more to say, more to show. Show it all, it was all but a game for her, a charade, something to pass the time. It was all I knew. she locked her gaze with the other, orange on azure, fire and water. If you are not strong enough to stand on your own then you will perish. No one will come and save you.

Foolish girl.

Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together