
Worry wart express



1 Year
02-07-2019, 11:57 AM

The scent of the plant eased her, relaxing her body and helping to calm her into a state somewhat close to napping. It let her mind become filled with more pleasant memories of when she first moved around the clan, learning what she could from her various cousins and other family members. Happy times spent with both her mother, father, and her two litter mates. It made a smile come to her lips as they would reply within her mind just like a weird flashback. Everything was quiet, peaceful, and she was calmed down.

It only lasted for the time it took for Ty to find her den and though she hadn't heard him approach, him calling out her name made her quickly snap out of her happy place. She stared towards the entrance of her den, shifting uncomfortably as she realized the jig was up. The only reason he could be taking time from his list of duties was if their mom had paid a visit. She wanted to simply pretend that she wasn't here, remain silent and hope that he would simply go away, but she knew she couldn't. She was a part of this pack and had to face up no matter the repercussions that came. Maybe she would be lucky enough that he could clear up all this confusing info she was getting, maybe.

With a sigh she stood from her spot as Ty explained that he would like to talk to her. He didn't sound angry, but she was still weary. She moved from the den, the lanky yearling moving to sit beside the entrance a her silver gaze stared at the dirt before her paws. Should she try to explain? Should she apologize? She wasn't sure what would be the right thing to do at this moment, but she was raised to be honest and that's what she had to stick to.

"I...... I didn't intend to seek out mom...... I just needed someone..... Familiar to talk to." her voice was quiet, unable to look at him.


As her guardian Cloudburst can crash any of her threads regardless of the tag