
And the Cat's in the Cradle

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-07-2019, 02:34 PM
Rhyme was much too distracted by his own grief to acknowledge the severe trouble he was in with his father. He couldn’t get the image of the stillborn pup from his mind, and he felt like he could be consumed by the emotions rolling beneath his skin. Valentine would prove to be the great father he’d always been though, and suppressing his own strong feelings he’d offer what comfort and advice he could to his grieving son. Of course Rhyme had worried the whole pregnancy that Tana’s life might be lost and or that of the pups. Reality was difficult though, and despite worrying he hadn’t really been ready for Darilnor’s death.

Valentine’s words were clear and his analogy spoke well to Rhyme. There was no other option but to continue. He couldn’t just bury his sorrow, but he could continue on. There would always be hurt, but like a wound he would eventually heal. There was no real or easy answer, he just had to focus all of his tumultuous emotions into raising the children that had survived. No matter how guilty he may have felt about it.

Valentine offered a bit of advice on fatherhood as well, he had to immerse himself in their young lives because in the blink of an eye they would no longer be helpless pups. They would grow into their own selves, with personalities, dreams, and flaws of their very own. Rhyme sighed heavily, unable to rid himself of the guilt and sadness. He felt heartened, that someday he might be able to live without feeling that familiar pang of pain.

He found his father’s strong gaze, and tried to steal away some of that strength for himself. He just had to power through, he had to be there for his children that remained. Their childhood would be over in the blink of an eye, and if he didn’t make himself enjoy it he would miss it completely. "I know you’re right." When was Valentine ever wrong? "However difficult the task may be." He said quietly, his gaze shifting back to the stars above them.