
Rallying the Troops

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
02-07-2019, 03:01 PM
Rhyme felt the tension between himself and Valentine if only subconsciously. He hadn’t been able to really relax since the night he had run to confess to the old king. There had been a promise that his actions would be dealt with eventually, and he hadn’t known how close he had been to being booted from the raiding party. He had already vowed to himself to be better, he hadn’t tasted alcohol since his night with Tana despite how much he craved it. Rhyme had focused himself on his pack and his kids, his main priorities and his whole world.

At Valentine’s call the slate alpha had followed closely behind Odysseus as he made his way south. Acere would likely be right behind them. Rhyme had said his goodbyes to his young children, hoping that they would not be his last. He wanted to see them again, but he would gladly give his life to see the end of the band that had held him and his mother for so long. The pale raven Solitude accompanied him, Imperia remained with their eggs. They would be hatching any day and he hoped he’d be back to meet the new little ravens.

He shook his head and let his confidence return to his stride. He wasn’t afraid. This was what he had been born to do. Rhyme would bring about justice and taste his revenge. As he approached the growing group he offered a quick nod to his father and half brother. He hadn’t met the young she wolf before, but he had to guess she was a niece. He nodded to her as well before returning his gaze to Valentine. Surely this was not the whole of their army.