
Klein Adoptables


02-07-2019, 11:16 PM
Because I have no self control at all

OOC Name: Asena
Character Name: Aeona Pandora Klein(allidora)
Gender: Female
Appearance: The temptress is one of beauty and simplicity. Her body is lithe enough to elude to her femininity yet muscular enough to prove she is a fighter and strong enough to defend herself. Her body is cascaded in silky flowing fur, graceful in its shape and adding to her beauty. She bears the defining marks of the Klein family, a pie balding of melanism and albinism. Both mark her visually, leaving her nose pink and her eyes mismatched. Her left eye is completely black while her right is red with a black where the white should be. Her right eye is scarred over and a cataract shows the damage to it, leaving her partially blind in this eye, meaningful she sees from this is blurs and general colors though sometimes they all blend together. Her lips on the right side are scarred much like the eye on that side, remnants of her reminder that she is not a pure Klein, though the one that caused such a beauty marring thing now lies dead, courtesy of her elder brother.
Her pelt is colored dark for the most part. White from her albinism marks it though. Two "v" shaped stripes ar on her back and one lies on her nape at the base of her neck. On her forepaws is the same white acting as socks. On her throat is a white odd shaped marking. Another marking is on her tail in the shape of a "w" in white only it coats the entirety of the bottom. Her ears are liked with the white with the interior hair being white as well. Her chin and under jaw is white that moves up in a small stripe like pattern. Around her eyes is the white as well as on the bridge of her nose.
Personality: Desire takes the woman as far as she can go, though even she know's that she will never be able to obtain the rank she wishes. She's only a half bred Klein, illegitimate in the way she was made. She's been in the shadow of her elder brother for a long time though. She's grown a sort of attachment to him. He's been her savior on more than one occasion even though if you asked her she doesn't need one. She's not a fighter, but she's smart and able to remember details of the lands easily. She's an explorer but she doesn't want to go too far away from her siblings.

She like her siblings finds an enjoyment from sexual activity, though she knows which herbs will kill off any unwanted spawn. She is careful with such things. Any smart woman would know to be such. She is unlike her siblings in one way though. She doesn't need to threaten, maim, or even be violent. She much prefers a little more brains to be used than brawn. She isn't incapable of fighting though. No she'd rather not have to fight if she can think her way out of a bad situation.
RP Sample: it had been some time since the black sheep of the Klein kingdom had seen another Klein. Distance had been put between them but it meant absolutely nothing to the woman. Her scarred visage was aligned with the scent path she'd found overnight. She had lost them all but she knew this scent. It was clear to her that her half brother was in these lands. He was the heir and the rock to their familial bonds. To him she would be returning. Their kingdom may have fell but she knew that the kingdom was wherever he had went.

She moved with fluid and graceful motions. She would be finding him and returning to normalcy. She was loyal to him but also more than that she owed him debts, debts she would see repaid. She still believed that she had retained her beauty even though her face was scarred and her red eye was now almost fully blinded. Hannibal had not seen her in long enough though she suspected that he might be surprised by the look of her eye now. It had barely had a cataract last time she had been near him. She stepped across the lands only to find herself met by a border. His scent was clearly here but she could tell he was not the leader. Something that just sounded unlike the Hannibal she knew. She would not be calling though. She didn't want an audience with some other man, no she wanted Hannibal. She  moved to a tree and purposefully rubbed completely against it to leave her scent for only hannibal to recognize.

She was moving then. Best to let him come find her. She moved to the woods she could see. They were swampy with eyes she could clearly discern as gators. The muck here stuck to her paws and she made quick to find a rock above it all where she could see the border from her perch but the darkness would hide her. She layed there with her head lifted and her paws overhanging the ledge. A picture of beauty and regality. Though she knew she would never be a queen. Cordelia was the closest to a queen she would see.
Plots/Ideas: okay so she's gonna get shoved straight up Hanni's butt and stay there, probably will try to stay clear of her more purest siblings but won't go out of her way to avoid them. I think I'd like hannibal to have killed the man who scarred her face and caused her eye to become partially blind. She would of probably clung to him after that like a lifeline and worked even harder to prove she was just as good as the pure kleins. She will have intellect and navigation. Maybe she'd be more seen as Hannibal's left hand, and when he needs strategic help or navigational skills she would be his go to?