
A Chat About Healers



07-12-2013, 09:49 PM

Cormalin?s nose stung. ?Ouch! Erani, your claw poked it!? One eye, the golden one, opened, while the other remained clamped shut against the sting. His sister was applying a poultice, and the astringent properties of one of the plants? juices was stinging the wound on his nose. He?d have a new scar when the gift given to him by the grey male who?d attacked Rayne, one of Valhalla?s few healers, healed. He noticed Erani?s raised brow point, and closed his eye.

Soon, the ministrations of his sister were finished, and he stepped back. ?I need to go talk to Chrysanthe. Or should I call her here? She might want to see Rayne.? He made his way to the den mouth, and waited for his sister?s reply. He had a great deal to tell the Alpha female that was like a niece to him, and a daughter to Erani. He wondered how they could reward Obsidian for her part in defending Rayne. What did you do for a horse?

Obsidian was a faithful friend, and he wanted her to get something out of helping Valhalla. She was a wonderful pup sitter, and he knew she wanted offspring of her own. Perhaps they could find her a stallion? He bit back a laugh at the thought. He had a feeling that if there were any horses out there, they?d take one look at a wolf asking them to meet a friend, and run for the hills.

He wanted to speak with Chrysanthe about training the healers to fight for themselves. In a war, Healers that could defend themselves, and any injured wolves would be an advantage.