
Hjarrandi Band

Valkyrie 1


5 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!Trick 2019
02-08-2019, 07:51 PM (This post was last modified: 02-08-2019, 08:12 PM by Valkyrie 1.)
Band Assumptions


These are things I encourage you to assume IC about Hjarrandi and Valkyrie if you have a character in the band. The limited amount of free time we all have to post can sometimes make it difficult for a character to learn basic and important things about their pack, band, culture, etc. so while these aren't mandatory things your character must know, they will certainly add to your character's understanding of the band, its culture and its leader if you choose to use them.

  • Band members see Valkyrie regularly.

  • Band members can learn anything detailed on this page from Valkyrie herself as she would be happy to explain them in conversation. So you can assume Valkyrie taught your character the word seidr and a basic description of what it is, but you can't assume she taught them a spell or a ritual, because none are listed here.

  • All of the fighter types take turns guarding the loot - just don't name people specifically.

  • The band moves as a group once a season to a new section of Boreas (north, east, south, west). There won't be a mandatory thread every time, but you can assume your character followed Valkyrie to the land with (don't name specific individuals without their player's permission!) their band mates.

  • The band moves to a new territory once a month. This is for the band check. Because it is usually just a territory or two away from the previous one, Valkyrie won't expect them to travel as a group like they do when the seasons change. You can assume your character is always notified of the new location but your character doesn't actually have to go there with Valkyrie. All that's really required is that they are close enough to answer the call when she gathers them for raids.

  • At the very least band members see each other semi regularly provided they aren't actively avoiding their fellow band members. I'm not saying you can assume specific things about specific characters, but you can make general assumptions about the group as a whole. Because band members semi live with one another, you can assume your character sees or smells their bandmates with some regularity.

  • Hormonal changes won't go unnoticed. If a drug sniffing dog can detect cocaine in a vacuum sealed bag stuffed in the gas tank of a semi, no doubt your character can tell if his or her bandmate is pregnant/lactating/in heat.


    These are frequently used terms you can assume your character has picked up during their time in Hjarrandi regardless of whether or not they've officially heard them used IC. A number of insults have been included because mild jabs at one's honor are common motivators during training, pep talks, etc. These terms are a mix of Old Norse and Icelandic.

  • Churl - The common man. Can be applied to low ranking pack wolves and rogues or used as a casual insult to belittle a thane who isn't pulling his or her weight.
  • Fífl/Fáviti/Bjáni - Idiot
  • Weregeld - the worth of a being or item. Basically restitution for stolen items, injuries or the death of a family member. The wronged party is compensated for their loss by a payout from the guilty party or parties. Failure to pay weregild will undoubtedly result in retaliation.
  • Danegeld - the price bands and packs can pay to avoid being raided for an entire season.
  • Drótt - a war-band. Can be applied to Hjarrandi or any group of fighters who initiates a raid against them.
  • Drenskapr - the band's values. Drenskapr is the raider's code of conduct. More or less their idea of chivalry.
  • Raggeit - bloody coward. Literally "as cowardly as a goat"
  • Slápr - a lazy person
  • Auimingi - weakling
  • Hamingja - Luck, but not the mainstream definition of it. Viking luck is "a quality inherent in the man and his lineage, a part of his personality similar to his strength, intelligence, or skill with weapons, at once both the cause and the expression of the success, wealth, and power of a family.”
  • Fjandinn/Andskotinn - damn
  • Fokk - Fuck
  • Fylgja - an attendant spirit (i.e. a companion) whose well-being is thought to be intimately tied to that of its owner. Plural is fylgjur


    Below is a list of band members and general assumptions your character can make about them. Please note these are vague assumptions and to learn specific details about them you must talk to their player or learn something IC

    WIP - still need the opinion of current band members. Will have an opt-in feature.

    This character has a noticeable Icelandic accent!
    Valkyrie also has a female melanistic japanese macaque named Inga. Unless she's mentioned IC it's safe to assume she's not with her master.
    It can be assumed that Valkyrie has a bear skull mask hanging from a strap around her neck at all times.