
Look out for number one

Echo I


4 Years
02-08-2019, 09:55 PM
If she weren't so busy trying to ensure her own survival and constantly hoping to see some miracle opportunity to escape she might have found the mountain of a wolf standing before her to be rather interesting. He was clearly intelligent and a quick thinker, as he quickly grasped any little hints her words gave him as to the best approach to take in this tense dialogue. If she wasn't exhausted already Echo might have considered giving him more of a challenge. As it was... Her cropped ears twitched as she considered his words.

Feeling like a pup in comparison to the slate man, it would be difficult for Echo to think he'd be wrong about his assertion that he would kill every last one of the slavers. Eyes narrowing, she wondered what sort of numbers he had behind him. Then, how many would be enough? His victory wasn't assured if he didn't have good information. "Who says I can't get far enough away to be safe?" She began to challenge, her words lacking the hard edge they'd had before and trailing off as a thought hit her. What if Sol-

Prompted by the question flashing through her mind, Echo eyed him once more with even more skepticism if that was even possible. Habit and instinct still said to run the other way the first chance she got but... "If I help you... If I help you, then every last one of them has to die." A pause, as she wondered why she was even contemplating giving in. Obviously it was the path that would get her out of harms way the quickest but... She had to know, right? Ugh. Shit. Fine. Wait a minute... "I thought you already had some escapee loved ones. Why do you need my input? How do you know if I know anything more important than they do?"

Signature by Aureilius